
Quality Certificates AGRO standards
Q-Cert Q-FOOD SAFE mark demonstrates that the product comes from certified aside in accordance with AGRO standards.
AGRO 2-1 and 2-2, 2-2/1, 2-2/2, 2-2/3
Integrated Management System in Agricultural Production
AGRO 2-1 Specification
Includes general requirements in all of agriculture which can be inspected objectively. The set of principles for the certification of Integrated Management System is applicable to any farm regardless of any kind of productive direction.
AGRO 2-2 Requirements for the application
Describes the technical and legal requirements of the crop production system that accompany the model AGRO 2-1. It includes general rules of good agricultural practice and the accompanying practice of environmentally friendly agriculture (crop production) to produce safe and quality products and to achieve excellent environmental management.
The Q-CERT is a Cypriot-Greeks company executives and associates with inspectors and engineers with extensive experience in the field of certification bodies mainly by German certification (TÜV).

GS1 standards
The non-profit “GREEK ASSOCIATION OF BUSINESSES FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL GS1 STANDARDS” distinctive title “GS1 ASSOCIATION-GREECE” is the sole member of GS1 in Greece, and the only legitimate body authorized to manage the GS1 system and GS1 barcodes (prefixes 520 and 521). GS1 Association-Greece is set up and governed by Greek GS1 user companies.
Its mission is to improve the efficiency in the supply chain and logistics in Greece and facilitate the export trade using the GS1 international standards for automatic identification, electronic commerce and data synchronization.
GS1 standards are the most recognized standards worldwide, used by 2.000.000 companies in more than 20 industry sectors.
The Greek members of GS1 Association-Greece are represented as equal members in GS1 global user community and their barcode numbers are registered in the global GS1 registry, GEPIR.